Artova Arquitectura

Artova is the architectural studio and the company founded by Almudena Fernandez de Cordoba in the late nineties.

The evolution of the founder and her need to do some constant research in order to find new constructive solutions which would enhance her creative resources gave way to a project which merges architecture and photography, in such a way that the latter is used to support the former as a source of inspiration for its creative needs.

Travelling and photographing the different techniques and solutions used in other places and at other times so as to apply them to their own constructive needs is the basis of Artova, a company which offers general architectural and photography services, both separately and in a joint and combined way.


C/ Las Matas 37, 2ºA · 28039 Madrid | Tfno: (+34) 610 20 40 17

© Copyright Arkaitz del Río, 2009 | All rights reserved.
Fotografías: Asier Reino.